Background of PRADET Staff
All counseling staff at PRADET have a background of nursing, midwifery, psychology or public health. All these staff are referred to as counselors. They all have training and experience in conducting assessments, provision of treatment and management of people suffering from trauma. These specialist trauma counselors are also trained to provide community workshops to other professionals and the community. Counseling staff are supported by a trained finance officer (accountant), office manager, drivers and cook/cleaners.
Staff Profiles & Photographs
Manuel dos Santos |
Manuel dos Santos Qualifications |
Manuel holds the position of Director, being appointed to this role in June 2012 after being in the role of Acting Director. He started working at PRADET as a driver during 2003 and in June 2004 he was promoted to Office Administrator, responsible for assisting and checking stationery supplies and implementing procedures for the maintenance of the office; writing of proposals, reports, and acting as a translator during training programs. The role of Office Administrator also covered human resource management, transportation logistics for staff travelling to the districts, and repairing or replacing parts in vehicles. Manuel assists with Government, International staff and local INGO’s who undertake negotiations with PRADET. He assists international guests with their arrangements and the renewal of Visas. Manuel also supervises PRADET’s supporting staff. Manuel hopes that PRADET will maintain its good work and gain the attention of donors to secure long term funding for its programs into the future.
From 2000 to 2003, Manuel was employed as a UN porter and personnel staff for police and military at Dili airport. During the second half of 2003 he worked in his village as a Community Project Co-ordinator, responsible for road maintenance and reporting.
Manuel’s hobbies include reading and playing cards with his family
Susan Kendall |
Susan Kendall AM Qualifications |
Susan works as a Counsellor in the Northern Sydney Sexual Assault Service based in Royal North Shore Hospital, providing crisis and longer term counselling for victims of sexual assault. In June 2000 Susan visited East Timor, to attend the Congress for East Timorese Women; she then stayed on for two months to assist the East Timorese health workers to establish the new service. Susan has continued to return to work with PRADET, three times a year, every year, since 2000.
Susan is passionate about her work with PRADET. She also enjoys spending time with family and friends and gardening.
Herculano Granadeiro |
Herculano Granadeiro (Hery)Program Manager
Qualification: Advanced Certificate, Faculty of education, English Language Departement 2015 Secondary School, Dili Municipality |
Soccer, walking and enjoying the wonder of the nature, Swimming, Driving, and Motor biking.
Esperansa Ximenes |
Esperansa Magno Ximenes Finance Officer Qualifications Degree in |
Luisa Marcal de Jesus |
Luisa Marcal de Jesus Qualifications |
Luisa started with PRADET in 2002 as a Counselor working in the 'Child at Risk' program. Luisa is involved in working closely with children and juveniles who have had conflict with the law. She does individual counselling and psychosocial support for juveniles in prison and with their families in the community. Luisa leads the PDAJJ Team in facilitating training on management of stress and anger to overcome violence, and alcohol awareness training. The alcohol awareness training has been facilitated in three Districts so far with additional training in other Districts to be done during 2010 and 2011. Luisa and her Team liaise with PNTL (National Police) regarding both juveniles in detention and also alcohol awareness training.
Luisa enjoys spending time with her children and family, watching TV and taking her children to play in the garden, grow flowers and visit the beach.
Luisa Maria Dos Reis Marcal |
Luisa Maria Dos Reis Marcal Qualification |
Founding member, responsible for co-ordinating the PRADET program in three districts, 2002 Luisa returned to establish Fatin Hakmatek (Safe House) to support victims of violence.
As the Co-ordinator of Fatin Hakmatek, Luisa is responsible for the organisation of staff, training and supervision, the running of the facility, report writing and consultation services. Luisa consults confidentially with victims of domestic violence in the districts (access to treatment, counseling, rehabilitation, assistance with judiciail processes and legal issues).
Elda Jose Cardoso |
Elda Jose Cardoso Acting Program Co-Ordinator
Qualifications |
Elda commenced in September 2009. Elda is a counselor and accompanies clients throughout the police process, makes assessment of client’s past and present problems and what has happened to them that has led to them being involved in human trafficking.
During 2008 Elda worked at IOM, (International Organization for Migration). Between 2001 and 2007 Elda worked at an International NGO - Concern Worldwide. Her responsibilities included program management and asking staff to implement the program.
Elda enjoys playing music and soccer and singing.
![]() Nogueira Soares |
Nogueira Soares (Nogy) Program Coordenator Qualifications |
Nogy joined PRADET in July 2004 and is a counselor with the PAMM program, responsible for assessment and follow up for people in the community with mental illness. His counseling services are available for people who are experiencing stress and trauma.
Nogy also collates and compiles a database using the information PRADET staff supply from the districts. Nogy prepares reports for the PRADET donors, as well as collating information for the Director, in presentations with other NGO’s and the Government. The database information is also accessed by an Australian technical adviser and the Program Co-ordinator. Nogy assists staff in database preparation for all of PRADET’s programs and advises on their ongoing maintenance. Nogy hopes for increased activities and improved quality of PRADET programs. Since many East Timorese lack access to education, it is imperative that PRADET’s information and education services are made available to diverse communities. Nogy hopes PRADET may develop into a bigger program and become widely known.
For a short time Nogy worked within a church clinic. He was employed by the National Hospital from 1999-2001 with the International Red Cross Committee. From 2002-2004, Nogy worked at a Dili clinic.
Nogy hopes to develop his professional experience as well as find his ‘special person’. He enjoys listening to music, and playing basketball and soccer.
![]() Lubelia Araujo |
Lubelia Araujo (Aboe) Qualifications
Degree of Public Health, University Da Paz, 2010 Secondary School Paulo VI, Dili, 2004 Certificate in English language Certificate in Portuguese language |
Commenced March 2009 - provides information for young people in prison and ex-prisoners who receive two hour weekly visits. Aboe assists isolated young people who are in need of information and who are experiencing sadness about getting into trouble and ending up in prison. She feels that incarceration has meant the young people no longer attend school resulting in a loss of purpose, further alcohol abuse and antisocial behavior. She said that the individual continuity of care PDAJJ workers provide, allows the young people to feel reassured and safe while in prison and enables families access to vital information and services.
In 2008, Aboe was employed by the Ministry of Health to provide general information and other services for female sex workers. During 2007 she was employed by World Vision to collect data and provide statistics about maternal health and nutrition.
Aboe enjoys reading about health and is passionate about human rights. She hopes that young people in detention may one day receive literacy education and the opportunity to work, plan and be better prepared for their future lives.
Julio do Rosario |
Julio do Rosario Qualifications |
Julio started worked at PRADET in June 2009 as a Counsellor with PDAJJ Team – he visits juvenile boys in Becora prison to support them with counselling, information about violence, stress and anger management and supports families of prisoners in all Districts.
Julio wants to work hard and try the best he can for PRADET and be a good worker.
Julio likes to play football and he sings and plays guitar. He enjoys eating and sleeping!
![]() Lourenca de Jesus das Neves |
Qualifications Senior High School 2004 |
Lourenca graduated from Senior High School in 2004 and continued with the Canossian Sisters, (Institute Professional Canossa) studying Psychology, when she graduated in 2011.
Lourenca commenced at PRADET in October 2011 as a community facilitator doing training, assessment and follow up of clients in the 72 hour and prison programs with the PDAJJ Team. She is very happy working with PRADET, sharing experiences with friends and is proud of all her friends and teachers who have been instrumental in assisting her.
Silvina Dulce Dos Santos |
Silvina Dulce Dos Santos Qualifications |
Silvina commenced as a Nurse with the PAMM program in 2005 and provides referral and assessment services, involving medication and follow up in the community. She also leads the PPS Team.
Silvina hopes to improve human experience through community education and general counseling for the prevention of mental illness. She anticipates that the recognition of the rights of people with mental illness can result in accommodation facilities and asylum to reduce demand upon hospital care and families. According to Silvina, this will also ensure that the various needs of people who experience mental illness can be met by providing safe and practical environments for their successful treatment.
Silvina previously worked in the emergency department of the National Hospital and provided psychosocial and clinical services within the Bakhita Centre, an NGO founded by a West Australian refugee Organisation, Living care.
Silvina’s hobbies include dancing, music and exercise
Diana Carvalho |
Diana F.X. Carvalho Qualifications
Nursing School, 1990 to 1992 and resumed her study in 2000, Lahane Barat, Dili Sexually Transmitted Diseases Training Course, Dili |
Diana has been working as a counselor with PRADET since July 2009 with responsibilities in seven districts and as the coordinator of one district. Diana regularly returns to the communities to monitor the progress of the program. She works alongside other PAMM workers providing assessments for people experiencing mental illness in the community, as well as follow up services for clients. Diana enjoys working in PRADET and gaining experience from her colleagues. She feels that by assisting the people of Timor Leste to receive the help they need, the level of distress and anxiety declines in the community. Diana hopes that PRADET will become famous and be acknowledged by people in the future.
In her spare time Diana likes to listen to music.
Anita de J Menzes |
Anita Menezes (Ani) Qualifications |
Ani began her employment with PRADET in the SVC program during March 2009 and provides counseling and information to victims of conflict (including young people) within the Dili area and to the sub-districts and villages, where young people are often isolated and difficult to locate. Travelling to communities can be difficult and local people are very happy to receive important and essential services such as VCS offers. Ani was previously employed by the Timorese NGO Fuhako during 2008, providing community education for the prevention of malaria and dengue. During 2007 Ani worked as an editor for a journalist.
Ani enjoys music and dancing and looks forward to her graduation in 2010. She hopes to continue working for PRADET and for the expansion of the SVU program to all of the districts of Timor Leste.
![]() Richa N.E.Oliveira |
Richa N.E.Oliveira
Counselor - PAMM team member
Profile to come
Hortencia Miranda |
Hortencia Fatima Miranda (Esy) Qualifications
Midwifery, Lahane School of Midwifery, Dili Secondary Schooling |
Esy joined the Fatin Hakmatek program during 2005 and is responsible for providing Medical Forensic Examination, counseling services for the victims of sexual assault and domestic violence.
During 2002-2003 Esy was employed by Timor Aid working with people who experienced trauma.
Esy enjoys singing and playing guitar and talking about life.
Silvia Araujo |
Silvia de Jesus Araujo (Sil) Qualifications
Midwifery, Lahane, 1992 Nursing Training, SPK College 1987-1991 |
Sil has been employed at Fatin Hakmatek since October 2008 as a counselor. She assists the doctor to perform forensic examinations for people who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault. Sil believes that empathy for clients can lead to their improvement. Sil would like to see the future development of Fatin Hakmatek into the future, so that the service is better. She believes the service is crucial and must continue and that Fatin Hakmatek offers a special service for all the people of Timor Leste, especially in the districts.
Between 2003 and 2008, she worked at the Café Timor in Dili as a midwife and nurse. Between 1999 and 2002 Sil practiced nursing in the districts and was a midwife for a Government clinic in Dili. Between 1991 and 1999 Sil worked as a midwife and nurse at Bairo Pite, a clinic in Dili.
In her spare time, Sil likes to help her husband around the home and assist her children.
Anito G. de Araujo |
Anito G. de Araujo Finance Assistant Qualification: Bachelor of economics, East Timor National University, Dili |
Anito Joined PRADET since March 2013, at the same time Anito Joined the PDAJJ Program and got a position as community facilitator to provide training for communities in Municipio Covalima, Tilomar, Suco Lalawa. The training is on Anger Management, Alcohol and drugs, it's lasted for eight months.
In January 2014, Anito got a new contract to work as PRADET's financial assistant.
Anito's status is still single, Anito has it's own pleasure, like hanging out with friends who have the same status, exercise, play volleyball and recreation.
Dilva G. da C. Araujo |
Dilva G. da C. Araujo
Profile to come |
Maria Isabel De Deus |
Maria Isabel De Deus (Isa) Qualification; Degree of Public Health, UnPaz University, 2010 Diploma Community Recovery, 2010 Nursing School, Lahane 1987 |
Isa joined with PRADET in May 2005, in PRADET Isa joined with PAMM program as a counselor. It's main task is to provide assessment, follow-up, counseling and information education about the symptoms of mental illness and it's how to prevention, that's all activties provided to clients, family and communities. Isa responsible for PAMM work area in Municipio Aileu.
Isa has the expectation that the programs run by the PRADET organization should not stop just in the middle of the road, but it is essential to be continue because many people are still require the presence of PRADET. As we know, Isa likes everything such as; business, social gathering and always spend time with family.
Filipe Osvaldo Pinto |
Filipe Osvaldo Pinto
Driver - PAMM team member
Certificate, Secondary school, SMAK Hati Kudus, Dili, 2001
Vicente dos Reis Marcal |
Vicente dos Reis Marcal Driver Profile to come |
Florecensia Soares |
Florecensia Soares Cook Cleaner Profile to come |
Expedita Soares |
Expedita Soares (Dita) Qualifications |
Dita joined Fatin Hakmatek during 2008 and she maintains the daily function of the Fatin Hakmatek services, by providing food for clients and staff as well as managing the upkeep of the site. Dita says Fatin Hakmatek has provided her with collegeaes who all work together, and help each other as friends as well as working together to suport the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. She belives that Pradet must continue its work into the future. Previously Dita was employed in a resurant in Dili from 2000 to 2006. Dita was occupied with her family before this time.
In her spare time, Dita enjoys cooking, sewing, singing and dancing.
Jose A Soares |
Jose A Soares Qualification: Primary School, SDN 01 Laclubar, 1990
Jose, joined with PRADET in July 2014, Jose current role as a driver. Jose's duti is to took the staff and shuttle from and to the forging of their stay. Jose foremost job as a driver is to transport some of the staff to the Municipio to perform routine activities.
Interests: Mostly, Jose spent his time playing with their childrens at home.
Izac A da Costa |
Izac A da Costa
Driver - PAMM team member
Secondary school, Baucau 1999